Skyline House - Community Relations Committee


Introduction: The Community Relations Committee (CRC) is charged with establishing and maintaining relationships with the community-at-large and to advise the Board of Directors (Board) on issues of potential interest to the Association. The CRC will assist the Board in keeping current with external affairs that might have an impact on the Association, real estate value and its members. Specific CRC responsibilities include:

  1. Serve as an information channel to the Board and residents on issues that may affect the community-at-large and Skyline House residents as members of this community, including issues such as zoning, public transportation, utilities, revitalization and construction.
  2. Establish cooperative relationships with other community associations, public service organizations and interest groups to identify opportunities for joint action benefitting Skyline House Unit Owners and residents as well as the larger community, and, with the approval of the Board, send Skyline House representatives to public hearings and meetings and review and report findings which may affect the Association.
  3. Be aware of, and responsive to, issues of general concern or problems which are within the purview of this committee’s responsibilities, and recommend to the Board procedures for resolution of these matters.
  4. Engage in a close liaison and cooperative partnership with other Skyline House committees, as well as the Management Office, to keep the Board and residents knowledgeable of activities and external affairs of importance to the community-at-large and Skyline House residents, in particular.
  5. Review all external affairs and/or issues as directed by the Board that is not covered in the aforementioned responsibilities.

Membership: Shall comport with the Board of Directors Resolution approved on May 26, 2010 entitled Committee Membership and Voting Status.

July 2010

For a PDF of this charter click here.

For a PDF of the resolution click here.

Month Agenda
January Agenda
March Agenda
April Agenda
June Agenda
September Agenda
November Agenda